aspekt Sensoriklabor

We design and realize

your sensorylab.

+49 (0)221 8698532


We look forward to hearing from you.


aspekt schreinerarbeiten e. K.

Piccoloministrasse 26

D - 51063 Cologne/Germany
Phone: +49 (0)221 8698532


Contact person: Jörg Bünger

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Made in Cologne

Your sensory laboratory is produced in-house.

We are happy to realise your special requests and your corporate identity in the project.

Despite state-of-the-art, computer-controlled production the eye for detail is not lost.

We are a certified processor of solid surface material from LG.

This material is primarily used for the homogeneous, hygiene-certified worktop systems in the sensory laboratories. 

Certified processor of solid surface material
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